Hot topics and the freshest postings of the last few days:
Indochina Update from Tom Hutchings with the most beautiful picture of the Saigon River;Suddenly lovely Lompoc is the hotbed of bloggers! We also understand there's more publicity coming this week to our community effort of online conversations. We'll accept all the local promotion we can get.
"Bill" Clarke has words of wisdom and comments about "peaceniks,"
Finally a public vote about something for Los Osos that's not about the sewer project!
Seems like downtown Lompoc is waking up! Ron Fink's post will get you smiling.
The women and men of the Lompoc Peace and Justice Coalition introduce you to critical thinking.
After all, this is for all of us Central Coasters who have an interest in our local politics and a desire to leave a comment, or email the editor. Go ahead, try it. Sphere: Related Content