Monday, August 29, 2005

Could The Ocean Be Our Trash Can?

Our sources point out a frightening plan for coastal dumping and how to stop it with your public outcry--now until Thursday, 9/1/05.

The state Bureau of Reclamation proposes to pipe 40 years of untreated agricultural waste from the San Joaquin Valley into Estero Bay at Point Estero near Cayucos.
This plan calls for untreated selenium and pesticide-bearing waste to be dumped a mile and a half from shore in an area rich with migrating marine mammals, birds and fish, and an area that is the habitat for a threatened species, the southern sea otter. The effects of this discharge would be devastating to our local estuary and marine ecosystem.

Please send your comments by Sept. 1 to: Ms. Claire Jacquemin, Bureau of Reclamation, 2800 Cottage Way, MP-700, Sacramento 95825. Ms. Jacquemin's fax is 916-978-5094 and her e-mail address is: cjacquemin at

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