The News Mission is growing again: five more blog pages have been added! Our list of contributors number 20! And we're not even two months old.
Site stats show, at the present rate of visitor growth, we're on track to double, perhaps triple, the number of viewers this month over July. All of our bloggers appreciate your attention to their writing.
Welcome to our newest crop of contributors, date and time posted:Thanks to all who blog here and (elsewhere) because "the truth is out there" and we're looking for it. Sphere: Related Content
Mr. Rogers is very much alive and helping others, but his full name is Gary Ray Rogers and his specialty is accessibility issues on the Central Coast.
(8/11/05, 9:34 am)
David Ciaffardini is the "Book Man" of Oceano and lives on the mighty inspiring, tallest hill in town where eucalyptus trees cast a spell his way.
(8/9/05, 10:26 am)
Bob Banner, aka Mr. Hopedance, who informs us of events and issues that show us another world is possible because it has already begun. [editor's note: Bob's time is a rare commodity, so we'll post his events in the CCNM blog pages when we get them.]
(8/11/05, 3:33 pm)
Reenee from Santa Maria provides her opinions about the County Split and more, in our new north Santa Barbara county page of guest contributors.
(8/12/05, 11:14 am)